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21 Reasons Why Divorce Rates Are High in Africa

The term divorce is relatively common in our society. Through single parenthood does not guarantee children’s success. 

Save yourself the stress of marital problems that lead to divorce by knowing the possible reasons why it often takes place. 

Here are 21 good reasons why the rate of divorce is on the increase in Africa.

1. Poverty

Financial problems contribute mainly to the high rate of divorce in Africa and other parts of the world. 

When the head of the family can’t fully bear the family burden, especially the financial aspect, it becomes a problem. 

It’s the worst situation where the woman fends for the family’s well-being, ranging from house rent to daily meals. 

Men are in such a position find it challenging to control their wives, and when bad gets to worst, they go their separate ways.

2. Westernization

It affects the rate of divorce in African because the African try as much as possible to adopt western culture in areas like politics, lifestyle, and industry without leaving marriage behind. 

The Africans no longer see the need to talk things out with partners. Instead, they file for a divorce which to them is the best and quickest remedy. 

Divorce has always been in American society, the adoption of European practices has affected how our African homes tackle family issues.

3. Globalization and modernization

Globalization and modernization affect the divorce rate because interaction and integration with the elite from different spheres of life contribute a lot to this vice. 

Today, most African men drift away from their homes, leaving the parenting responsibility to mothers in the name of globalization and modernization. 

And mothers find it challenging to raise the children alone without the father’s assistance, who’s the head of the family. There is every tendency for such parents to go their separate ways.

The bottom of it all is that globalization hurts marriages in developing countries like Africa.

4. Urbanization

Most times, in search of greener pastures, many people find a permanent home and adapt to new cultures.

At this stage, such a souse gets advanced and enlightened, thereby seeing the need not to be in any form of an abusive marriage. It is most common in African men. 

Divorce rates are higher in the cities than rural areas because the youngish move into an apartment with their fellow teen and end up with premarital pregnancy, which in the long run leads to divorce.

5. The feeling of self-sufficient in women

The self-sufficient women are more willing to dissolve the marriage because they don’t see the need to be submissive to any man in the name of the family head. 

The most reason is that they are made and can take care of their bills. 

The more a woman earn, the more trouble brew because they no longer perceive the man as “Head.”

6. Less dependency 

Couples that are less dependent on one another are likely to divorce. It exists when partners no longer rely on the opinion ideas and instruction of the spouse.

 It might arise as a result of the difference in political power and social status. When chips are down, there won’t be anyone to talk to then divorce sets in.

7. Age in marriage

There is no doubt that youthful marriage is a strong predictor of divorce, and the tendency of those that married at 20 will end in divorce is very high.

Early marriage is so bad that it has the possibility of denying a girl child the right to make a vital decision about sexual health and forcefully moves them into a life filled with poor prospects, abuse, and untimely death.

8. Influence of Formal Education

Education has a significant effect on how spouse lives their life. Most times, girls are taken out of school and turned into brides without completing their education.

Women who have access to quality education embrace new ideas and understand that not settling for less indeed leads to divorce. 

The chances of a marriage ending in divorce are high for people with more education.

9. Barrenness

When couples face infertility, the damage can be overwhelming. Spouses that don’t have children are much more likely to divorce.

Infertility leads to dissatisfaction in marriage, and lack of children is a significant threat to marriage, especially in Africa. 

There is always zero happiness and understanding in any home without kids because the value attached to children is just so much.

10. Language Barrier

The language barrier is a blockade in marriage, and it can bring about discrimination and segregation. 

A multilingual relationship leads to divorce because a situation whereby a partner can’t flow with a particular language becomes an issue and might lead to divorce.

11. Excessive attachment to extended family

Complex intergenerational relationships contribute a lot to broken homes. An extended family usually leads to an argument between the spouses. 

Too much attachment of extended parents influences marriage so badly. Constant opinions from extended relations can be intermeddling and consume the thought of the couples.

12. Lack of control of the tongue

Mere looking at it, one may wonder how the tongue contributes to the divorce rate. Words from one’s spouse can either make or mar the partner.

Complaints, excess criticism, sarcastic words, unsupportive word, disrespectful words, comparing words, and selfish words can lead to divorce. 

Hence, partners should always ensure they choose their words wisely.

13. Lack of communication

Lack of marriage will affect the level of affection in the family, increase in conflict, blame on everything, habitual argumentative behavior, and inability to comply with family rules. 

When communication is no longer there, both spouses will start hiding information from each other deliberately. 

Obstacle sets in when communication is not intentional anymore; either the man or woman stays out of touch.

14. Polygyny 

Polygyny, a type of polygamy where a man has several women, is the highest marriage killer because it won’t be easy for two or more women to live with a man. 

Unhappiness, loneliness, no intimacy with the spouse, jealousy, and a sense of competition is enough to file for divorce in a polygyny family.

15. Sexual incompatibility

Sexual incompatibility is one of the causes of divorce. Sexually unfulfilling marriage is an acute problem that has led to broken homes over the years. 

This issue occurs when spouses give deaf ears to the warning signs and focus on what to gain. 

Such partners don’t have options when it becomes unbearable than to divorce.

16. Social networking

Social media has done more harm than good to marriage, and it is has changed the way people interact with each other and now also a significant threat to marriage. 

Social media leading to divorce doesn’t necessarily mean what one does there, compromising posts, but the time spent using it can cause conflict, jealousy, all in all, divorce. 

Social media networking plays a role in the rate of divorce, and it profoundly reduces family time, reduces socialization, etc.

17. Infidelity 

Infidelity destroys a lot of marriages. When a partner becomes an infidel, there will always be that feeling of you marrying a betrayal, cheat, and adulterer. 

Of course, trust being the number one casualty of infidelity will affect how you perceive your spouse. 

Extramarital affairs will forever trigger powerful emotions and a sense of loss for both partners.

18. Abuse

Partner violence contributes to divorce and affects the mental health and physical well-being of the spouse. 

Abuse in marriage has effects that are widespread abuse can come in the form of physical violence, threatening violence, verbal abuse, digital abuse, financial abuse, and psychological abuse.

19. Difference in culture

Culture influences individual perceptions regarding marriage. The inability of the partners to compromise their way of life can lead to divorce. 

Spouses with different cultural backgrounds and values experience obstacles in their marriage.

Culture contributes to divorce decisions in marriage, and miscommunications, food, religion, traditional aspect of society are part of cultural views that affect marriage.

20. Lack of sexual attraction

Lack of sexual attraction is one of the reasons for the high divorce rate, which usually occurs when one of the spouses no longer appeals to the other.

It might arise due to poor dress from the husband or wife, unkempt pubic areas, hair, fingers, or other body parts.

When such a thing occurs, the spouse will have no choice but to end the marriage because it’s no longer exciting to both partners.

21. Disability in partner

People with disabilities face more obstacles. The stress of dealing with the outcome of a seriously injured person can lead to divorce. 

Divorce could occur in this situation when the cost of treatment of the injury victim is so much when the accident leads to permanent impairment like organ damage, paralysis, amputation, etc.

Lastly, the significant stress if it caused a traumatic injury.

Other Reasons:

Aside from the points above, other things that cause the high rate of divorce in marriage today, in Africa, and worldwide are:

Accepting a marriage proposal for the wrong reasons

Dissimilarity of interests and priorities

Husband or wife not taking his pr her roles

No shared vision of success

the intimacy disappears

unmet expectations

different priorities and interests

inability to resolve conflicts

Which country has the highest divorce rate in African?

The divorce rate in African is indeed too much, but there are certain African countries that their cases are exceptional. These countries are Liberia, the Central African Republic, and Congo-Brazaville.

What are the top three reasons for divorce?

There are 101 reasons why people go for a divorce, yet there are still significant reasons why they wish to engage in a divorce. One of the significant-top three is lack of commitment. 

Another primary reason is the case of infidelity, and eventually, too much conflict can lead to filing for a divorce.


The rate at which divorce is increasing in African homes is alarming, and it indeed has social, economic, and political effects on society. You can check the following above to understand the primary cause of broken homes.

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