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Why the Foschini Group (TFG) Opens up a New Joburg Clothing Factory

A well-known company, the Foschini Group, launched and expanded its local clothing manufacturing business in South Africa.  

Several mentions of how the group has already opened three other prestigious clothing factories in the Western Cape are in the news.

TFG has expanded to another clothing manufacturing business in Kwa Zulu, South Africa, before launching the new one for the hearing impaired in Hillbrow, Joburg, on the 5th of October 2021. 

Below are some reasons why the Foschini Group [TFG] decides to open a new clothing factory in Joburg and expand the clothing manufacturing business in South Africa.

1. To offer textile skill empowerment for the hearing impaired  

Foschini Group established their local clothing manufacturing business in Joburg for the hearing impaired to serve as evidence of accomplishing their mission of creating more job opportunities and growing well as local manufacture as they have promised the public.

To fulfill this desire, this company decided to launch one of their known brand, a clothing factory, to ensure that employment opportunities are given to the people of Joburg in South Africa on the 5th of October. 

 2. Increase their prestige clothing business

The newly launched factory topped the number of the prestige clothing business to five factories. It will elevate the company by being the most extensive local apparel manufacturer in South Africa. 

Among the five factories, the group that has stood in South Africa is the Fabiani brand. It is a luxury menswear brand specializing in menswear and other brands like prestige Maitland, Caledon, and others.

Due to these changes and upgrades, they were able to employ over 2470 permanent employees.

3. Creation of employment opportunities for the disabled

It happens to be a significant reason why the company provides jobs in South Africa. They believe that many people who are disabled are faced with the barriers of unemployment.

For that reason, the TFG Company carries on the activity of upskilling and creating local employment for them. 

On the day they launched the clothing factory, the company made its first intake of 23 learners, and they will complete an NQF level2 CTFL manufacturing leadership in October 2021.

4. Build dynamism of industry partnership with local textile factories

Aside from creating job opportunities and others, the essence of building the new textile company is to establish dynamism of industry partnership with local factories by the company’s partners.

They also want to supply competitively priced goods to consumers and provide a fair wage for workers and a fair return to shareholders.  They have in mind to export their goods in other places, not only in South Africa. 

They noted that in line with the arrangement at hand, they have been able to give appointments to more than 100 unemployed people living with disabilities into the leadership across the business.

5. Hiring an additional workforce to boost manufacturing

The TFG group launched the local industrial factor in South Africa because they have to employ about 5000 workers. 

The company decided to employ that number of people between then and 2026 to meet up as part of their significant increase in output level up to their five hubs factories located in different parts of the Country.

Based on the view of the managing director, the company will create jobs at their prestigious Maitland and Caledon factories, and again, the TFG group will also launch three additional hubs.

6. To collaborate with the South Africa government to improve the textile industry

For about five years now, the TFG, also known as the Foschini Group, has worked with the South African government to strategically create a divisional and agile local supply chain to reduce over depending on China goods and even other international country supplies.

The TFG plan of eradicating over-dependency on foreign goods worked out for them. It led to the increase in the contribution of locally manufactured products for the group retail brands.

Due to the company’s relationship with the South African government, they decided to invest more and eradicate unemployment for both the physical or mental impairment in Joburg situated in South Africa.

7. To assist their merchandise is from eastern South Africa 

It is also a reason why the TFG decide to establish its clothing factory in Joburg.

About 80% of those who sell and market the Foschini group product are all members of the Eastern Plateau area of South Africa who have helped make the locally manufactured textiles grow to a significant number of 37%. It will increase very well as the years go on.

It showed how it would improve the group’s growth in expanding their prestige Maitland and Caledon factories.

The Foschini group launched the clothing factory since more than half of their merchandise can be found there. It will help them meet the project they are working on by collectively employing an estimated number of 5000 workers by 2026.

Bottom line

The home textiles retail giant group known as TFG is on the mission of operation “eradicate unemployment,” doing everything humanly possible to remove unemployment in all the areas they have opened factories in South Africa.

The primary function of the TFG group was to provide employment opportunities to everyone, including the physically or the mentally impaired people. They ensured that this set of people acquired skills and also employed them in the end.

The reason for that was to ensure that their disability would not keep them jobless and again so that they would not face unemployment barriers.

Finally, we can also see that the TFG group use that avenue to make their brand known and influential by stopping over-dependency on the foreign product.  

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