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Nigerian Teenagers Create Fashion from Trash

Nigerian Teenagers Create Fashion from Trash

In November 2022, Nigerian teenagers created runaway fashion outfits from recycled trash and displayed them at transhion show in a district of Lagos, Nigeria’s megacity. They were trying to make people aware of the risks associated with pollution and how it can negatively impact the environment.

Chinedu Mogbo is a teenage climate activist in Nigeria who started the ‘Greenfingers Wildlife Initiative.’ He has gained international attention with his campaign to engage the public on sustainable development practices. Mogbo’s goal is to inspire other people to join the movement and start their recycling initiatives.

As the world’s population continues to grow and the amount of waste produced by humans increases, so does the number of health impacts we face.

This innovative fashion idea made from trash seeks to raise awareness about the problem of environmental pollution and inform the public about its effects on human health.

Trashion is a term that refers to the latest innovation in fashion, which includes using pollution- materials to design fashion outfits. The show takes place in Lagos, Nigeria, on April 8. In the front, local artists will show off creations made from polyester, nylon, and cotton.

The initiative motivated the teenage activists about the fashion idea displayed at the ‘trashion show’ in Sangotedo Lagos, Nigeria, considering the alarming volume of waste products Lagos residents generate daily.

A ground-breaking initiative has emerged in Lagos, Nigeria, where plastic pollution is a huge problem.

A group of Nigerian teenage activists and models are conducting regular clean-ups across Lagos communities and ditches, drainage, and beaches at regular intervals. As part of their initiative to reduce plastic waste in the country’s biggest cities, they collect and repurpose the used plastic litter collected from dustbins and waste litters.

There is a growing number of people in the world that are becoming aware of the need for recycling and reducing waste.

The Greenfingers Wildlife Initiative, in collaboration with young activists and models, intends to recycle as many plastics as possible, one community at a time, from time to time.

One of the model activists, 16-year-old Nethaniel Edegwa, dressed in red plastic spoons and fabric, said she joined the 2022 edition of the trashion show as a model “to make a change.”

The annual fashion show aims to promote gender equality and raise awareness of the importance of education.

Some have criticized the young model’s attire in the local media, who say that dressing in red plastic spoons and fabric is inappropriate for an event with a political message.

She furthered her statement by adding that she wants to make a noticeable difference, as the people of Lagos can all see that they are all being affected by climate change. 

Global warming is an issue that has been at the forefront of our minds for many years. The Earth is changing, and so are we, with everything from natural disasters to rising sea levels. For a better environment improvement, human beings must work together and take action while they can.

The 2022 ‘trashion’ show occurred immediately after the global leaders concluded the two weeks of United Nations climate talks in Egypt.

Lagos, a city in Nigeria with a population of about 13 million people, is also home to about 2 million waste generated daily.

The city does not have a waste disposal system, making it difficult for the government to enforce laws intended to protect the environment.

Consequently, the city accumulates up to 12 000 – 13 000 metric tons of waste daily, contributing to the high environmental pollution risks.

And due to the low-level constitutional provision for environmental protection, adherence to environmental law is also poor in the city, leading to loss of life through pollution.

Pollution has been a constant threat to the country’s health and safety. However, it is not just environmental degradation that can cause harm, but also the lack of enforcement of environmental protections.

According to a study released by the World Bank, Lagos is the most polluted city in Africa and the second most polluted city globally.

However, they also reported that air quality has been on the rise thanks to initiatives such as improved vehicle emissions regulations and a cleaner bus fleet.

Model Teenagers Featured at the “trashion show” 

This year’s Transition show gathered Nigerian teenage models draped in outfits made from various recycled materials, and they include;

· Model Obum Daniel Amarachukwu – Exhibited a fashion outfit made from recycled palm. 

· Nathaniel Edegwa – Displayed fashion clothing made from red recycled plastic spoons and fabrics.

· Jalokun Nifemi – Wore an outfit made from newspapers.

· Okpala Crystal – Exhibited clothing made from recycled plastic bags.

These teenagers were all captured clearly during the event by Sunday Alamba, an Associated Press photographer in Lagos.

The annual Trashion Show is a fusing trash and fashion contest that promotes waste-reduction and consumption alternatives through the clever use of reused materials to design fashion outfits.

Bottom Line

Nigerian teenagers create fashion from trash through an event powered by a non-governmental environmental conservation initiative, Greenfingers Wildlife Initiative, which seeks to maintain a sustainable environment and equip the future generation with the skills for wildlife conservation.

With the help of this organization, Nigerian teenagers are making fashion from trash and are learning about sustainable living. Their event, which includes a runway show, is powered by volunteers and their creativity.

The young climate activists of the initiative aimed to raise awareness about the risks of environmental pollution and motivate people to change their attitudes. They hope that spreading awareness will help influence society’s attitude toward protecting the environment.

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