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10 Most Populated Countries in Africa

There has been an ongoing argument for the past years regarding the most populated countries in the African continent.

Many countries in Africa have a low population, while others have a high population. Some of the countries with low populations state that it is due to innumerable migration to other developed countries in search of greener pastures.

However, reading this post will offer an insight into a quick study of the population of African countries.

Below are the ten most populated countries in Africa.

1. Nigeria

Nigeria is one of the largest African countries and most populated areas in the continent.

The country on the western coast of Africa has a total population-based on 2020 calculated figure of 206 million people, and its population grows by about 5.5 Million.

Africans recognize Nigeria as the giant of Africa due to its expertise in all ramifications of life.

2. Ethiopia

Ethiopia, as an African country, is the 2nd most populated across the continent. Ethiopia is in the Horn on the east coast; based on the 2018 UN population projection, they have an estimated population of 112,078,730.

Ethiopia happens to be home to the lowest place of the African continent, and it has charming natural beauty.

3. Egypt

Egypt sits in the Northeastern corner of Africa, a large number of Egyptians dwell in Cairo and other cities found in the River Nile. The population of Egypt makes up about 1.31 percent of the whole world.

The country has a yearly population increase of 1.8 million and random inhabitants of 101,334,404 as of 2020.

One good thing about Egypt is that it is a home of beautiful beaches, magnificent dunes, and many other exciting things you can think about.

4. Democratic Republic of Congo

It is also an African country that is overpopulated or that has a large population. The annual national census carried out on July 1st, 2020, shows that the number of occupants of the Democratic Republic of Congo is about 101,561,403.

This country is in central Africa, and it has a 25-mile coastline on the Atlantic Ocean, and it is the 4th most occupied area in Africa.

In terms of natural recourses, the Democratic Republic of Congo is the richest in the world with an untapped raw deposit of mineral resources worth U.S. $24 trillion.

5. South Africa

Just as the name implies, the southern tip of Africa shares a border with so many countries like Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, and Lesotho.

South Africa, which is one of the African countries, is viewed as one of the populated countries in Africa because it has a total population of 59,956,820 as of December 1st, 2020.

South Africa’s population increases yearly by 1.28 percent, accumulating about 58 million people apart from the indigenous South Africans. Also, it is one of the African countries that are well advanced among others.

6. Tanzania 

Tanzania, an African country, is one of the populated areas in Africa. It is on the eastern coast of Africa, Great Lake north of Zanzibar and South of Kenya, and it incorporates a coastline at the Indian Ocean in the east. 

Six other countries border this country, it has around 58 million inhabitants, and the total estimated population of Tanzania as of 2020 is 59,956,820.

The six countries are Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia, and Uganda.

 How every possibility that the population of Tanzania will increase more in years to come because its population ranks among the highest, which is 2.98%.

7. Kenya

Kenya belongs to Eastern Africa, and its territory rises from a lower coastal plain on the Indian Ocean to mountains and plateaus at its center.

As of 2019, Kenya has an approximate population of 47,564,290, and recently, it increased to 52 572,970.

Although Kenya is one of the African youngest African nations, it represents the whole world with a total population of 0.69%. In contrast, the number of people will keep on increasing as years goes on.

8. Uganda

Uganda is the world’s most growing nation in Africa, located in East Africa lying across the equator.

Also known as the pearl of Africa, Uganda shares a boundary with Kenya in the east, Rwanda in the Southwest, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and many other nations.

The Country accumulates an estimated population of 44 million people and increases yearly by 3.32%.  

9. Algeria

Algeria is an African nation in northwest Africa; it shares a border with the Mediterranean Sea between Tunisia and Morocco.

The country is among the most prominent nations in an African metropolis. As of January 1st, 2019, the population of Algeria is 43,000,420, and its yearly growth ranges from 1.85%.

Algeria has the largest desert, and most of its populace lives close to the waterside. 

10. South Sudan

South Sudan, generally known as the Republic of South Sudan, is among the overpopulated nations in Africa, located in the East-central of Africa.

South Sudan has a population of 42,268,269 as of January 25th, 2020. 

It shares a border to the east by Ethiopia, then to the north by Sudan, and west through the central Africa Republic to the southwest.

About 525,953 population of South Sudan live in Juba, which is their capital city.

Below are lists of some other African countries with their respective population estimations in 2020.

Morocco (36,910,560), Angola (32,866,272), Mozambique (31,255,435), Ghana (31,072,940), (Madagascar 27,691,018), Cameroon (26,545,863), Côte d’Ivoire (26,378,274), Niger (24,206,644) Burkina, Faso (20,903,273), Mali, (20,250,833), Malawi (19,129,952), Zambia (18,383,955), Senegal (16,743,927), Chad (16,425,864), Somalia (15,893,222), Zimbabwe (14,862,924), Guinea (13,132,795), Rwanda (12,952,218), Benin (12,123,200), Tunisia (11,818,619), Burundi (11,890,784) Togo (8,278,724), Sierra Leone (7,976,983), Libya (6,871,292), Congo (5,518,087), Liberia(5,057,681), Central African Republic (4,829,767), Mauritania (4,649,658), Namibia (2,540,905), Gambia (2,416,668), Botswana(2,351,627) Gabon (2,225,734), Lesotho (2,142,249), Guinea-Bissau (1,968,001), etc.           

Which countries are the most populated in Africa?

As of 2021, the most populated countries in Africa are Nigeria, which happens to be the number one with the total estimated population figure of 5,175,990. Ethiopia is taking the second position with a total population of 2,884,858. 

Again we have Egypt, which has a roughly calculated populace of 1,946,331, and lastly, the Republic of Congo, with an approximate number of 2,770,836 inhabitants.

What are the three least-populated Countries in Africa?

The three least populated countries in Africa are Seychelles which only has 97,630 inhabitants; Sao Tome and Principe have an approximate resident of 215,060; then the last country is Cabo Verde, with a rough calculation has about 549,930 residents.

Bottom Line

After a successful elaboration of the most populated nations in Africa, one can have the population of the African countries at the fingertip. Again, there is a form of clarity created regarding this topic.

Again, this article posts serves as a lightning bolt to those arguing about which African country has the largest population.

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