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12 Home Remedies for Treatment and Prevention of Acne, a Skin Problem

Acne is a skin problem that affects primarily young adults, and it has made many people seek remedies to cure acne naturally at home.

Between, many home remedies lack scientific backing and as well need more knowledge for their effectiveness. 

Below are some other home remedies of acne treatment you can try:

1. Make a honey and cinnamon mask

Honey and cinnamon have higher chances of fighting bacteria and reducing inflammation. A study has it that the combination of both fights acne-causing bacteria.

Many people with acne skin problems apply honey to the skin as it can block or kill acne. 

The honey and cinnamon mask is effective if mixed gently to form a paste, applied after cleansing, and should be on the face for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.

Washing the face with warm water at least twice per day can prevent the skin problem by removing impurities, dead skin cells, and extra oil from your skin surface. And dry the skin with a clean towel after washing.

2. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a healthy oil essential in treating various ailments, such as fighting bacteria and reducing skin inflammation.

It contains anti-inflammatory properties that thwart swelling and redness of the pimple. There are a series of tea tree oil; hence, one should add the desired tea tree oil in creams, gels, or essential oil before use.

One can easily prevent acne by using tea tree oil and moisturizers that minimize dryness. Every moisturizer is either made for oily, dry, or combination skin.

3. Apply apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural extract from the unfiltered juice of apples. 

Vinegar is much known for fighting bacteria and fungi, and it contains organic acids like citric, succinic, and lactic acid. All these acid has a unique contribution for the fight against acne problem. 

You can do the home remedy for acne treatment by mixing apple cider vinegar and water and applying the mixture to the skin with a cotton ball after cleansing. 

Then allow it to stay between 5 to 20 seconds before rinsing with water. Do this repeatedly for a maximum of two times per day.

One can prevent acne breakout by adjusting how often one uses products that contain ingredients like benzoyl, peroxide, glycolic acid, etc.

4. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is a wax-like substance with a smooth-shiny effect extracted from the seeds of the jojoba shrub.

It is capable of treating acne, repairing damaged skin, reduce skin inflammation and other inflamed lesions. 

Before applying it to the acne spot, you should mix the jojoba oil with a gel, cream, or clay face mask.

During acne breakout, avoid wearing makeup, foundation, try washing it off at night, and if possible, go for oil-free cosmetics.

5. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It helps to reduce the presence of acne and as well prevents acne breakouts.  

The plant leaves produce a clear gel to add to creams, ointments, and soaps to treat acne. It assists in treatment like abrasions, rashes, burns, and many other skin conditions. 

Some important contents in aloe vera are salicylic acid and sulfur, which contribute extensively to acne treatment. 

To use it for clearing acne breakouts, use a spoon to scrape out the gel from the aloe plant, then apply the gel directly to the skin as a moisturizer, and you can repeat as desired.

You can prevent acne by keeping fragrances, oils, pomades away from your skin pores, which may irritate the skin.

6. Green tea

Green tea has a high concentration of polyphenol antioxidants known as catechins. 

These oxidants help the body break down waste products that are likely to damage the cell, and it also contains compounds that may also help reduce the skin sebum production and inflammation.

Studies have proven that applying green tea extract to the skin can reduce pimples and other skin blemishes 

Its home treatment can be done by steeping green tea in boiling water for three to four minutes, allowing it to cool, use a cotton ball to apply it on the affected parts. Leave it for some munites to dry, then wash it off with water.

Keeping your hands off your face can contribute to the prevention of acne and ensure you don’t pop pimples with your fingers as it can lead to infection.

7. Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliating the skin most often can help remove the top layer of dead skin. You can achieve it by using chemicals or by using a brush to remove the cells physically. 

This method allows treatment for the skin to be more effective once you remove the topmost layer of the skin. And at times, those mechanical exfoliations like scrubs can irritate the skin.

Although there are various exfoliation products available, one can also make a scrub at home by mixing equal parts of sugar or salt with coconut oil, gently rub your skin with the mixture, rinse well and exfoliate as many times as possible. 

Another prevention of acne body problem is by staying out of the sun as the sun’s ultraviolet rays can increase inflammation, redness, dark discoloration and always try and limit your time in the sun, mainly between the hours of 10 a.m and 4 p.m.

8. Eat Garlic

Garlic contains organosulfur compounds which have natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. 

Many traditional medicine practitioners treat infection and boost the body against germs through the use of garlic.

How to use garlic to fight inflammation

Add more garlic to your diet than usual, chew the whole garlic cloves, or use it to prepare a hot drink. Garlic powder is also available in grocery stores, but we should always use it carefully.

Again, by reducing the intake of greasy and junk food, one can prevent acne burnout completely.

Also, adding fresher fruits, vegetables, whole grains to daily diets. Diets that are rich in processed sugar can trigger acne.

9. Reduce stress

There is a slimline between stress and ance. During the period of stress, the hormone released may increase sebum production and inflammation.

This stressful period may cause acne to the body, and it can slow wound healing. 

The association between stress and acne cannot be over-emphasized. Ways to reduce stress include:

  • Getting more sleep.
  • Engaging in physical activity.
  • Practicing yoga.
  • Always take a deep breath.

One can prevent acne by avoiding physical, mental, and emotional stress. Often, the severity of pimples or acne has a direct link with daily stress.

10. Exercise regularly

There are positive effects of exercise on acne. Still, exercise affects the body in a way that may improve acne. 

It helps in healthy blood circulation, and the blood flow can also nourish the skin cells, which may heal acne. Exercise plays a vital role in hormone regulation.

Regular exercise can help the skin and when exercising, avoid wearing clothing or equipment that can cause irritation and finally bathe after every workout.

11. Follow a low glycemic load diet

There will forever be a relationship between diet and acne. Dietary factors like insulin and glycemic are associated with acne, implying that eating foods with a high glycemic index can spike insulin capable of increased sebum production. 

And when the production of sebum increases, it leads to acne burnout.

Such foods with high GI include white bread, sugary soft drinks, cakes, doughnuts, pastries, candies, sugary breakfast cereals, etc.

One can prevent acne by reducing the intake of unnecessary foods and replacing them with legumes, nuts, fruits, etc.

12. Take fish oil supplements

Oil supplements like omega-three fatty acids can offer a good number of health benefits. 

Fish oil contains eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic, and a high level of EPA and DHA acids.  

These properties are likely to reduce inflammation which, on the other hand, can decrease the risk of acne.

Omega-three fatty acid intake does not have a specific recommendation though it will be advantageous if one consumes 250mg of EPA AND DHA combined per day.

Which treatment is best for acne skin?

The typical medication for acne treatment is taking retinoic acids, anti-biotics, Dapsone, and Azelaic acid. All these contribute primarily to the treatment of acne skin.

What can permanently cure acne?

The only thing capable of curing acne is isotretinoin, a potent medicine that attacks all the four causes like clogged pores, excess oil, bacteria, and inflammation.

How do you prevent acne?

Preventing acne is not rocket science, and one can do this by adequately washing the face, understanding your skin type, and moisturizing the skin. 

Also, you can prevent it by staying hydrated, limiting the length at which you apply makeup, don’t touch your face as the hand is prone to infection and finally, limiting sun exposure.


It is not unusual for acne, albeit it’s a skin problem with many causes. Though there are medical treatments for acne, many still choose natural remedies. 

The list above comprises the common home remedies one can apply for acne treatment and its prevention.

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